Saturday, 4 February 2012

120204 [CHI & ENG] SS4 Taiwan - Kyumin moments

2/4(1)最後特哥問你們想聽晟敏尖叫嗎?大家說想~李晟敏就出來嘶吼大叫,叫完特哥說你們有聽到嗎?大家說沒有~然後曹圭賢就爭著要出來叫,走出來比噓叫大家"安靜(中文)",叫完特哥問你們有聽到圭賢的聲音嗎?大家說沒有~然後賢敏就一起出來嘶吼大叫,叫完以後兩個人還做ending pose~就是兩手向上呈Y字形~#賢敏#

2/4(2)今天賢兔圓滿了[開心]雖然今天各種源敏海敏特敏[挖鼻屎]今天布斯曹咬了一口蘋果以後,喂給夢露敏,夢露也咬了一口啊還吃的津津有味啊[可憐]之後布斯曹喂特哥柳物他們都沒吃╮(╯▽╰)╭Our love時曹圭賢的確是往李晟敏那個方向轉想抱他的,但是曹先生你動作太慢了╮(╯▽╰)╭崔始源比你還快¬ω¬

Cr: 求賢敏天才舌吻


2/4 (1) At the end Teuk asked if you (ELF) wanted to hear Sungmin to scream. Everyone said yes~ Lee Sungmin shouted and screamed. Teuk then said can you hear it? Eveyone said no~ Kyu said he wanted to do it, and so he shout ‘An jing (Chinese)’ And Teuk asked can you hear Kyu? Everyone said no~ Then Kyumin shouted together and finished with an ending pose~ 2 V-shape with hands~ #Kyumin#

2/4 (2) Today Kyu rabbit is ‘yuánmǎnle’ (happy) Even though today there is WonMin, HaeMin and TeukMin, after Kyu had a bite of his apple he gave it to Mingroe. Mingroe had a delicious bite too. But when Kyu fed Teuk he didn’t eat it ╮(╯▽╰)╭ When it was the song ‘Our Love’, Kyu definitely turned towards Min and wanted to hug him, but he was a bit too slow ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Siwon was faster ¬ω¬

CHI Cr: 求賢敏天才舌吻
ENG Cr :@skyshredsl

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