Sunday, 20 May 2012

120520 Special! 5201314~

HEY IM BACK! Found a few seconds to post this.... and because today is May 20th!

So you ask what is special about today? well, May 20th can be written as '520' right?
And if you read it in chinese...
wu er ling
 add '1314' onto it....
wu er ling yi san yi si
And so you ask.... what's special about that??

5201314--------------  wu er ling yi san yi si
我愛您一生一世----wo ai nin yi sheng yi shi
The numbers and the sentence sound alike. Put it into Google Trans and you'll get what i mean ;) 
BTW '我愛您一生一世' means 'I love you for life' or I love you forever'! :)

^ Yep these keyrings do exist. And do to it at the right time....

\(^o^ )/ so if you get bored of my 128 square root e980 , then use 5201314 instead!! 

This is called Chinese cyber speak. May 20th is when you send texts around to people who you'll love forever. Others include: 
我发誓(584 - Wǔ Bā Sì)----I swear ( Wǒ fāshì ) (*as in 'i swear i'll be with you forever' and not 'i swear' in general)
一起走吧(1798 - Yī Qī Jiǔ Bā)---- Let's go together. ( Yīqǐ zǒu ba )
被爱就是幸福(829475 - Bā Èr Jiǔ Sì Qī Wǔ)----To be loved is blessed (happiness). ( Bèi ài jiùshì xìngfú )   
 There are many others but i have not time to type them all!! Shall update this when I have time :)
^ These are my primary school memories!! i loved these :3 i did confess to someone once using this lol... he didnt really get it :/

Thanks for reading!! Readers, 5201314!! :D
And here's a pic of my WONDER BOYS just to make this more kpop+SJ-related and bcuz i love them too~

And of course, the beautifully INTERNATIONAL SAPPHIRE BLUE OCEANS ~

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